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MANUAL DE ESTOICISMO Marie Favereau - Horde

A través de las cincuenta y tres piezas que componen el Manual, Epicteto ?crecido como esclavo en la turbulenta Roma de Nerón? nos ofrece los principios de la fi losofía estoica, corriente de la que, junto al emperador Marco Aurelio y el filósofo Sén ..

na voljo predvidoma: 31.7. - 5.8.

Manual de vida Marie Favereau - Horde
Manual de vida

Epicteto, un esclavo que tuvo que exiliarse de Roma precisamente por sus ideas filosóficas, nos ha legado sus consejos para hallar la tranquilidad de espíritu conociéndonos a nosotros mismos y a la naturaleza. Aquí se encuentra condensada la regla de ..

na voljo predvidoma: 31.7. - 5.8.

Marie Favereau - Horde Marie Favereau - Horde
Marie Favereau - Horde

Kniha Marie Favereau – Horde autora Marie Favereau vydaná v nakladatelství Harvard University Press v roce 2022, jazyk: Angličtina, vazba: Brožovaná, počet stran: 384, ISBN-13: 9780674278653, zařazení do kategorie: Náboženství a světonázor.

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Mary's Mantle Consecration Mary's Mantle Consecration
Mary's Mantle Consecration

This is a Marian consecration that people don't want to see end. Healing miracles, reunited families, and Catholic conversions are resulting from this self-guided retreat. Mary's Mantle Consecration, endorsed by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and Bi ..

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Master Key System Mary's Mantle Consecration
Master Key System

First published as a 24-week correspondence course in 1912, and then as a book in 1916, Charles F. Haanel's „The Master Key System“ is a classic work of self-empowerment. A principal text of the New Thought movement, "The Master Key System

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Matter and Memory Mary's Mantle Consecration
Matter and Memory

A monumental work by a Nobel Prize-winner, this 1896 work represents one of the great inquiries into perception and memory, movement and time, matter and mind. Bergson surveys these independent but related spheres, exploring the connection of mind and body to individual freedom of choice.

na voljo predvidoma: 9.8. - 14.8.

MEDITACIONES Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

El diario íntimo del gobernante estoico más famoso de la Antigu?edad.Tienes entre manos un libro que vale su peso en oro. Es el libro que escribió Marco Aurelio, el hombre más poderoso y sabio de su tiempo. El que influyó en Felipe ii de España, Fede ..

na voljo predvidoma: 31.7. - 5.8.

Meditations Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Kniha Meditations autora Marcus Aurelius,Robin Waterfield vydaná v nakladatelství Basic Books v roce 2022, jazyk: Angličtina, vazba: Brožovaná, počet stran: 384, ISBN-13: 9781541673861, zařazení do kategorie: Starověký svět.

na voljo predvidoma: 30.7. - 1.8.

Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Classic teachings on the art of living by the great Roman emperor, statesman, and general. The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius originally wrote the meditations collected here in the form of a personal journal during his military campaigns in the s

na voljo predvidoma: 12.8. - 16.8.

Meister Eckhart's Book of the Heart Menschenweihehandlung der Christengemeinschaft
Meister Eckhart's Book of the Heart

Meister Eckhart (1260–1328) was a priest, a mystic, and nearly a heretic (he died before the Church court's verdict). In the 20th century, the Roman Catholic Church rehabilitated him and the late Pope John Paul II spoke of his work with fondness.

na voljo predvidoma: 9.8. - 14.8.

Men Among the Ruins Menschenweihehandlung der Christengemeinschaft
Men Among the Ruins

Julius Evola's masterful overview of the political and social manifestations of our time, the „age of decline“ known to the Hindus as the Kali Yuga. – Reveals the occult war that underlies the crises that have become a prevailing feature of modern li ..

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Menschenweihehandlung der Christengemeinschaft Menschenweihehandlung der Christengemeinschaft
Menschenweihehandlung der Christengemeinschaft

Arbeitsmaterial zur Kultus-FrageReihe – Die Texte der Sakramente der Gemeinschaften / KirchenHier findet sich das Zentralsakrament – die „Menschenweihehandlung“ – (mit allen Episteln) der anthroposophisch positionierten Kirche „Die Christengemeinschaft“, deren Text von Rudolf Steiner verfasst wurde.

na voljo predvidoma: 21.8. - 26.8.

Metaphysical Meditations Metaphysical Meditations
Metaphysical Meditations

In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul.Includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An enc ..

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Metaphysics of Evolution Metaphysical Meditations
Metaphysics of Evolution

In his encyclical Humani Generis, Pope Pius XII stressed the importance of preserving the traditional Catholic approach to philosophy. In his work The Metaphysics of Evolution, Fr. Chad Ripperger demonstrates that the theory of evolution is incompati ..

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Mind's I Metaphysical Meditations
Mind's I

With contributions from Jorge Luis Borges, Richard Dawkins, John Searle, and Robert Nozick, The Mind's I explores the meaning of self and consciousness through the perspectives of literature, artificial intelligence, psychology, and other disciplines ..

na voljo predvidoma: 12.8. - 16.8.

Miracle morning Miracle morning
Miracle morning

SE LEVER PLUS TÔT POUR GAGNER UN SUPPLÉMENT DE VIE… Et si la clef du bonheur et de la réussite se trouvait dans cette nouvelle résolution ? C'est la découverte qui a changé la vie d'Hal Elrod ainsi que celle de milliers de lecteurs. Démarrez votre ..

na voljo predvidoma: 29.7. - 31.7.

Miracles Today Miracle morning
Miracles Today

Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener addresses common questions about miracles and provides compelling reasons to believe in them today, including many accounts that offer evidence of verifiable miracles.

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Monadología Miracle morning

Monadolog a es el Tratado de las m nadas, t rmino con el que Leibniz designa a las sustancias simples -los tomos, no f sicos sino metaf sicos- que constituyen todo lo que existe. Escrito en 1714, dos a os antes de su muerte, este op sculo de solo noventa

na voljo predvidoma: 21.8. - 26.8.

Monotheism and Religious Diversity Monotheism and Religious Diversity
Monotheism and Religious Diversity

If there is one God, why have so many religions? The shadow of monotheism lies over our understanding of everything.

na voljo predvidoma: 28.8. - 2.9.

Moral Letters to Lucilius Monotheism and Religious Diversity
Moral Letters to Lucilius

The Moral Letters to Lucilius is a collection of 124 letters which were written by Seneca the Younger at the end of his life, during his retirement, and written after he had worked for the Emperor Nero for more than ten years. They are addressed to Luciliu

na voljo predvidoma: 28.8. - 2.9.

More Complete Beast Monotheism and Religious Diversity
More Complete Beast

A More Complete Beast is men's writer Jack Donovan's third book in a series that started with the runaway cult hit, The Way of Men. The second book, Becoming a Barbarian, showed disconnected modern men – men born into the anti-identity "Empire of Nothin

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Mothering by the Book - The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy Mothering by the Book - The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy
Mothering by the Book - The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy

Kniha Mothering by the Book – The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy autora Jennifer Pepito vydaná v nakladatelství Baker Publishing Group v roce 2022, jazyk: Angličtina, vazba: Brožovaná, počet stran: 240, ISBN-13: 97807642395

na voljo predvidoma: 19.8. - 22.8.

Musonius Rufus Mothering by the Book - The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy
Musonius Rufus

Musonius Rufus (c. AD 30–100) was one of the four great Roman Stoic philosophers, the other three being Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, and Musonius' pupil Epictetus. During his life, Musonius' Stoicism was put to the test, most notably during an exile to Gyaros,

na voljo predvidoma: 28.8. - 2.9.

Mystery of Evil Mothering by the Book - The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy
Mystery of Evil

Taking Benedict XVI's abdication as his point of departure, Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben offers some reflections on the unresolved dialectics of political theology and the continued relevance of eschatological thinking.

na voljo predvidoma: 21.8. - 26.8.