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Clarins Clarins - Pore Control (Pore Mini mizing Serum) Smoothing and (Pore Mini mizing Serum) 30 ml 30ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Gentle Foaming Cleanser - Cleansing foaming cream for dry and sensitive skin 125ml
Clarins Clarins - Pore Control (Pore Mini mizing Serum) Smoothing and (Pore Mini mizing Serum) 30 ml 30ml

Clarins – Pore Control (Pore Mini mizing Serum) Smoothing and (Pore Mini mizing Serum) 30 ml 30ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Renew-Plus Body Serum - Serum youthful body skin 200ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Gentle Foaming Cleanser - Cleansing foaming cream for dry and sensitive skin 125ml
Clarins Clarins - Renew-Plus Body Serum - Serum youthful body skin 200ml

Clarins – Renew-Plus Body Serum – Serum youthful body skin 200ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Soothing Gentle Foaming Cleanser - Cleansing foaming cream for dry and sensitive skin 125ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Gentle Foaming Cleanser - Cleansing foaming cream for dry and sensitive skin 125ml
Clarins Clarins - Soothing Gentle Foaming Cleanser - Cleansing foaming cream for dry and sensitive skin 125ml

Clarins – Soothing Gentle Foaming Cleanser – Cleansing foaming cream for dry and sensitive skin 125ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 400ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 400ml
Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 400ml

Clarins – Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) – Lotion and spray 400ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - SOS Comfort Nourishing Balm SOS Mask 75ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 400ml
Clarins Clarins - SOS Comfort Nourishing Balm SOS Mask 75ml

Clarins – SOS Comfort Nourishing Balm SOS Mask 75ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Super Restorative Treatment Essence Smoothness ( All Types of Skin ) 200ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 400ml
Clarins Clarins - Super Restorative Treatment Essence Smoothness ( All Types of Skin ) 200ml

Clarins – Super Restorative Treatment Essence Smoothness ( All Types of Skin ) 200ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Total Eye Revive Eye Cream-Gel 15ml Clarins Clarins - Velvet Cleansing Milk - Cleansing Milk 400ml
Clarins Clarins - Total Eye Revive Eye Cream-Gel 15ml

Clarins – Total Eye Revive Eye Cream-Gel 15ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Total Eye Smooth Eye Balm 15ml Clarins Clarins - Velvet Cleansing Milk - Cleansing Milk 400ml
Clarins Clarins - Total Eye Smooth Eye Balm 15ml

Clarins – Total Eye Smooth Eye Balm 15ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Velvet Cleansing Milk - Cleansing Milk 400ml Clarins Clarins - Velvet Cleansing Milk - Cleansing Milk 400ml
Clarins Clarins - Velvet Cleansing Milk - Cleansing Milk 400ml

Clarins – Velvet Cleansing Milk – Cleansing Milk 400ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - White Plus Brightening Revive Night Mask-Gel - Facial mask 50ml Clarins Clarins - Aroma Plant Gold Nutri-Revitalizing Oil-Emulsion - Denní pleťový krém 35ml
Clarins Clarins - White Plus Brightening Revive Night Mask-Gel - Facial mask 50ml

Clarins – White Plus Brightening Revive Night Mask-Gel – Facial mask 50ml Skincare. For women.

na voljo predvidoma: 16.12. - 19.12.

Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Darilni set za nego telesa Eau Dynamisante Clarins Clarins - Aroma Plant Gold Nutri-Revitalizing Oil-Emulsion - Denní pleťový krém 35ml
Clarins Darilni set za nego telesa Eau Dynamisante

Komplet vključuje: Eau Dynamisante pršilo za telo 100 ml Vlažilni losjon za telo Eau Dynamisante (Moisturizing Body Lotion) 100 ml Piling za gladko kožo 30 ml Kozmetična torbica.

na voljo predvidoma: 28.11. - 29.11.

Partner: Vivantis
Clarins Clarins - Aroma Plant Gold Nutri-Revitalizing Oil-Emulsion - Denní pleťový krém 35ml Clarins Clarins - Aroma Plant Gold Nutri-Revitalizing Oil-Emulsion - Denní pleťový krém 35ml
Clarins Clarins - Aroma Plant Gold Nutri-Revitalizing Oil-Emulsion - Denní pleťový krém 35ml

Clarins – Aroma Plant Gold Nutri-Revitalizing Oil-Emulsion – Denní pleťový krém 35ml Skincare. For women.

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Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Beauty Flash Peel 50ml Clarins Clarins - Clear-Out Blackhead Expert Stick + Mask - Cleaning mask and exfoliating stick 2in1 50ml
Clarins Clarins - Beauty Flash Peel 50ml

Clarins – Beauty Flash Peel 50ml Skincare. For women.

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Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Men Essentials Set - Dárková sada 30ml Clarins Clarins - Clear-Out Blackhead Expert Stick + Mask - Cleaning mask and exfoliating stick 2in1 50ml
Clarins Clarins - Men Essentials Set - Dárková sada 30ml

Clarins – Men Essentials Set – Dárková sada 30ml Skincare. For men.

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Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Multi-Active Jour Set 50ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 200ml
Clarins Clarins - Multi-Active Jour Set 50ml

Clarins – Multi-Active Jour Set 50ml Skincare. For women.

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Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 200ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 200ml
Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 200ml

Clarins – Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) – Lotion and spray 200ml Skincare. For women.

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Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - SOS Hydra Refreshing Mask - Moisturizing face mask 75ml Clarins Clarins - Soothing Toning Lotion (Sensitive and very dry skin) - Lotion and spray 200ml
Clarins Clarins - SOS Hydra Refreshing Mask - Moisturizing face mask 75ml

Clarins – SOS Hydra Refreshing Mask – Moisturizing face mask 75ml Skincare. For women.

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Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - SOS Pure - Clay mask for combination to oily skin 75ml Clarins Clarins - SOS Pure - Clay mask for combination to oily skin 75ml
Clarins Clarins - SOS Pure - Clay mask for combination to oily skin 75ml

Clarins – SOS Pure – Clay mask for combination to oily skin 75ml Skincare. For women.

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Partner: Pricenet
Clarins Clarins - Velvet Cleansing Milk - Cleansing Milk 200ml Clarins Clarins - SOS Pure - Clay mask for combination to oily skin 75ml
Clarins Clarins - Velvet Cleansing Milk - Cleansing Milk 200ml

Clarins – Velvet Cleansing Milk – Cleansing Milk 200ml Skincare. For women.

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Partner: Pricenet

Labaratorij Clarins so pionirji na področju znanosti in tehnologije. Od 100% čistih rastlinskih olj, dvojnega seruma, novosti za nego obraza do moške nege in dišav za zdravljenje. Znanstveniki v Clarinsu so ustvarili revolucionarne formule, ki pa niso primerljive z ostalimi v kozmetični industriji.

Clarins verjame v medsebojno sodelovanje. Podjetje deli to prepričanje s svojimi kolegi iz kozmetične industrije v okviru Sveta za upravljanje naravnih virov, katerega ustanovni član in sopredsedujoči je Christian Courtin-Clarins.