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French Patisserie

French Patisserie

Številka: 18297367
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From flaky croissants to paper-thin millefeuille, and from the chestnut cream–filled Paris-Brest to festive yule logs, this comprehensive book leads aspiring pastry chefs through every step? from basic techniques to Michelin-level desserts. Starting .. Celoten opis
56,10 €
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Številka: 18297367


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Editions Flammarion
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Trda vezava
  • Število strani: 656

Originalni opis knjige
From flaky croissants to paper-thin millefeuille, and from the chestnut cream–filled Paris-Brest to festive yule logs, this comprehensive book leads aspiring pastry chefs through every step? from basic techniques to Michelin-level desserts. Starting with advice on how to equip your kitchen, to the essential doughs, fillings, and decorations, the books covers everything from quick desserts to holiday specialties and from frozen ice creams and sorbets to chocolates. Ferrandi, an internationally-renowned professional culinary school, offers an intensive course in the art of French pastry-making. Written by the school’s experienced teaching team of master pâtissiers and adapted for the home chef, this fully illustrated cookbook provides all of the fundamental techniques and recipes that form the building blocks of the illustrious French dessert tradition, explained step by step in text and images. Practical information is presented in tables, diagrams, and sidebars for handy reference. Easy- to-follow recipes are graded for level of difficulty, allowing readers to develop their skills over time. Whether you are an amateur home chef or an experienced professional, this pâtisserie bible provides everything you need to master French pastry-making