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Expert Proficiency Coursebook and Audio CD Pack

Expert Proficiency Coursebook and Audio CD Pack

Številka: 18314366
Partnerska prodaja
  • Exam-level practice from the beginning of the year * Lots of focus on all skills needed in the new CPE exam * Step-by-step strategies for speaking and writing * Additional listening practice on the Audio CDs included with the Coursebook * Strong ..
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42,38 €
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16.9.2024 predviden osebni prevzem
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Številka: 18314366


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: PEARSON Education Limited
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 208

Originalni opis knjige
* Exam-level practice from the beginning of the year * Lots of focus on all skills needed in the new CPE exam * Step-by-step strategies for speaking and writing * Additional listening practice on the Audio CDs included with the Coursebook * Strong emphasis on language chunks and advanced Vocabulary building * Expert Word Check boxes that help students develop their vocabulary * Extra practice on Use of English exam tasks * Extra support for the new Writing task * Lively and contemporary approach to CPE topics Other components: * Student's Resource Book: extensive additional material that enables students to consolidate and enrich their language and practise exam skills. For the Students' access to the audio material go to…proficiency/ * ActiveTeach: interactive whiteboard software providing everything the teacher needs on one disc, including Testmasters. * Teacher's Resource Material with Class audio MP3 online: your complete guide to using all of the Proficiency Expert components. If you would like access to these materials please contact your local Pearson office. You can find your local office here.