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You Can Heal Your Pet

You Can Heal Your Pet

Številka: 33534867
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„You Can Heal Your Pet“ is a no-nonsense guide that inspires a new type of holistic pet care and empowers the modern pet owner. Combining the expertise and knowledge of leading veterinary surgeon Dr Rohini Sathish MRCVS, and internationally renowned .. Celoten opis
19,96 €
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Številka: 33534867


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Hay House UK Ltd
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 336

Originalni opis knjige
„You Can Heal Your Pet“ is a no-nonsense guide that inspires a new type of holistic pet care and empowers the modern pet owner. Combining the expertise and knowledge of leading veterinary surgeon Dr Rohini Sathish MRCVS, and internationally renowned animal complementary therapist Elizabeth Whiter, this unique and authoritative guide provides: a comprehensive A-Z directory of common health conditions with treatment optionstop tips to harvest and make simple, tried-and-tested herbal remediesdietary advice for optimum health, and easy-to-make food recipesinformation on how to vet your vet!a step-by-step guide to energy healing and acupressure points Both Liz and Rohini believe that while conventional veterinary treatment is vital for acute conditions and emergencies, it fails to cure chronic problems. The way forward is a holistic, integrated approach with the active input of a dedicated pet owner – you. You, and only you, can really heal your pet!