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Mythographic Color and Discover: Dream Garden

Mythographic Color and Discover: Dream Garden

Številka: 21693440
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Color the mesmerizing blooms, vibrant expanses, and beautiful creatures of Fabiana Attanasio's Mythographic Color and Discover: Dream Garden.Enter a secret garden realm where illusion and creativity reign. Mythographic Color and Discover: Dream Gar .. Celoten opis
17,48 €
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Številka: 21693440


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: St Martin's Press
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 96

Originalni opis knjige
Color the mesmerizing blooms, vibrant expanses, and beautiful creatures of Fabiana Attanasio's Mythographic Color and Discover: Dream Garden.Enter a secret garden realm where illusion and creativity reign. Mythographic Color and Discover: Dream Garden is a spectacular display of magical flora, hidden biospheres, and lush garden kingdoms rendered in wondrous detail.Follow a path of astounding illustration through blooming forests, mystical labyrinths, and butterfly havens that will spark your imagination. Cultivate your artistic touch and add vivid colors to more than 40 entrancing, hand-drawn illustrations while you discover the hidden objects that are tucked away in each one.·Flowery dream worlds abound in more than 40 exquisite illustrations·Find the secret objects hidden within every work of art·Color a surreal gallery of blossoming oases with unmatched detail