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Mythographic Color and Discover: Menagerie

Mythographic Color and Discover: Menagerie

Številka: 21689021
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Fabiana Attanasio's Mythographic Color and Discover: Menagerie is a coloring book of majestic creatures and mesmerizing settings.Adventure to an animal kingdom of untold splendorStep into a mind-bending exploration of spectacular fauna. Mythograp .. Celoten opis
17,01 €
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Številka: 21689021


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Castle Point Books
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 96

Originalni opis knjige
Fabiana Attanasio's Mythographic Color and Discover: Menagerie is a coloring book of majestic creatures and mesmerizing settings.Adventure to an animal kingdom of untold splendorStep into a mind-bending exploration of spectacular fauna. Mythographic Color and Discover: Menagerie is an immersive coloring experience of breathtaking detail and dreamlike imagination. Uncover surreal landscapes and shape-shifting art through the eyes of nature’s most majestic creatures in spaces both real and fantastical. Deepen your creative curiosities and expand artistic possibilities with more than 40 hand-drawn illustrations to shade and illuminate. Color the unusual settings, transforming figures, and fascinating animals of Mythographic Color and Discover: Menagerie.- A majestic zootopia awaits in more than 40 remarkable illustrations- Flex your creativity and imagination in stunning detail- Let amazing animals spring off the page in this impressive book of art