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Monocle Book of Italy

Monocle Book of Italy

Številka: 18261432
Partnerska prodaja
Following the success of The Monocle Book of Japan, Monocle's latest book is a celebration of all things Italian. Few countries pack a punch like Italy – energetic, enigmatic and effortlessly cool, it's a country of chic beach clubs, tradition-steepe .. Celoten opis
60,54 €
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26.9.2024 predviden osebni prevzem
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Številka: 18261432


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Thames & Hudson Ltd
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Trda vezava
  • Število strani: 304

Originalni opis knjige
Following the success of The Monocle Book of Japan, Monocle's latest book is a celebration of all things Italian. Few countries pack a punch like Italy – energetic, enigmatic and effortlessly cool, it's a country of chic beach clubs, tradition-steeped hilltop towns and cities full of soul. Its cuisine is celebrated the world over, its design aesthetic has become synonymous with both functionality and style, and it's home to the undisputed capital of fashion: Italy's appeal is undeniable.Covering all these topics and many more, The Monocle Book of Italy is packed with insight and is fully illustrated with specially commissioned photography to paint a unique portrait of the nation. From the vaporettos of Venice and the boutiques of Milan to the family-run trattoria of Trieste and the sunny shorelines of Sicily, discover the people, places and products that define this captivating country. La dolce vita never looked so good.