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Modern Tagine Cookbook

Modern Tagine Cookbook

Številka: 18352531
Partnerska prodaja
These hearty one-pot meals, flavoured with fragrant spices, are cooked and served from an elegant, specially designed cooking vessel, also called a tagine. In Ghillie Basan's collection of deliciously authentic recipes you will find some of the best-loved classics of the Moroccan kitchen. Celoten opis
14,96 €
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26.9.2024 predviden osebni prevzem
26.9.2024 - 1.10.2024 predvidena dostava na dom

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Številka: 18352531


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Trda vezava
  • Število strani: 144

Originalni opis knjige
These hearty one-pot meals, flavoured with fragrant spices, are cooked and served from an elegant, specially designed cooking vessel, also called a tagine. In Ghillie Basan's collection of deliciously authentic recipes you will find some of the best-loved classics of the Moroccan kitchen.