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Slovenian Cooking

Slovenian Cooking

Številka: 48941384
Partnerska prodaja
The book SLOVENIAN COOKING presents the rich culinary heritage of Slovenia. The book contains recipes of old national dishes that have been preserved over the time. Celoten opis
14,90 €

Partnerska zaloga 5+ artikli

3.3.2025 - 5.3.2025 predvidena dostava na dom

Artikli partnerja Zalozba Turistika

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Številka: 48941384


The book Slovenian Cooking offers an in-depth look into the rich culinary heritage of Slovenia, which is closely linked to its diverse landscape and history. Traditional Slovenian dishes, which have preserved their simplicity and authenticity over the centuries, are combined in this collection with lesser-known and forgotten recipes that represent the true treasures of Slovenian cuisine.

Slovenian Cooking focuses on the intertwining of flavours found in 40 different culinary regions of Slovenia with unique dietary habits.

The book contains recipes ranging from simple rustic cuisine to richer dishes that were once prepared by noblemen and townspeople. It also includes special dishes, such as those related to the life of miners, raftsmen and other social groups.

The recipes include old Slovenian dishes that are still part of the daily diet, as well as forgotten culinary specialties that are worth rediscovering. Each recipe in this collection reflects the diversity of Slovenian cuisine, while simultaneously encouraging creativity in the kitchen. Over time, housewives have adapted dishes to their own taste, so the book inspires modern cooks to add a personal touch to the dishes.

With an exceptional emphasis on cultural heritage and traditional recipes, the book Slovenian Cooking invites the reader to take a true gastronomic journey.