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Yellow Wallpaper And Selected Writings

Yellow Wallpaper And Selected Writings

Številka: 42828917
Partnerska prodaja
It is stripped off – the paper – in great patches …The colour is repellent …In the places where it isn't faded and where the sun is just so – I can see a strange, provoking, formless sort of figure, that seems to skulk about …' Based on the aut .. Celoten opis
13,41 €
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9.10.2024 predviden osebni prevzem
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Številka: 42828917


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Little, Brown Book Group
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 384

Originalni opis knjige
It is stripped off – the paper – in great patches …The colour is repellent …In the places where it isn't faded and where the sun is just so – I can see a strange, provoking, formless sort of figure, that seems to skulk about …' Based on the author's own experiences, ‚The Yellow Wallpaper‘ is the chilling tale of a woman driven to the brink of insanity by the ‚rest cure‘ prescribed after the birth of her child. Isolated in a crumbling colonial mansion, in a room with bars on the windows, the tortuous pattern of the yellow wallpaper winds its way into the recesses of her mind. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was America's leading feminist intellectual of the early twentieth century. In addition to her masterpiece ‚The Yellow Wallpaper‘, this new edition includes a selection of her best short fiction and extracts from her autobiography.