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Northix Storage trolley with three baskets - Stainless steel - Sold Randomly

Northix Storage trolley with three baskets - Stainless steel - Sold Randomly

Številka: 30312237
Partnerska prodaja
Stainless steel storage trolley with four wheels and three baskets. Can be used in bathrooms and kitchens but also bedrooms and living rooms.- Storage trolley in stainless steel- Four wheels and Celoten opis
26,90 €
Partner: Netsilla

Partnerska zaloga 5+ artikli

11.2.2025 - 12.2.2025 predvidena dostava na dom

Artikli partnerja Netsilla

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Številka: 30312237


Stainless steel storage trolley with four wheels and three baskets. Can be used in bathrooms and kitchens but also bedrooms and living rooms.

- Storage trolley in stainless steel
- Four wheels and three baskets

Color: Black, white and silver
Material: Stainless steel
Dimensions: 60 × 45 × 26 cm