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Polaroid: The Missing Manual

Polaroid: The Missing Manual

Številka: 30151033
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An accessible and comprehensive ‚how to‘ guide to expressive and experimental techniques and manipulation of Polaroid prints and cameras. Polaroid: The Missing Manual is the go-to resource for all lovers of instant photography. Divided into two ma .. Celoten opis
23,97 €
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Številka: 30151033


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Thames & Hudson Ltd
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 240

Originalni opis knjige
An accessible and comprehensive ‚how to‘ guide to expressive and experimental techniques and manipulation of Polaroid prints and cameras. Polaroid: The Missing Manual is the go-to resource for all lovers of instant photography. Divided into two main parts, ‚Camera and Film Format Guide‘ and ‚Creative Techniques‘, it offers a comprehensive introduction to instant photography, including: a wide-ranging overview of instant cameras and compatible accessories and film; tips on what to buy and where to buy it; how to adapt equipment and preserve the life of your images; easy step-by-step guides to a wide range of image manipulations, accompanied by visual showcases of the work of the very best Polaroid photographers; and extensive resources section, complete with film compatibility guide, a list of stockists and safety information. Polaroid: The Missing Manual provides photographers, art students and vintage camera enthusiasts with the knowledge and skills to push the boundaries of what a Polaroid photograph can be.