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Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set

Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set

Številka: 38962921
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Comprehensive and fully up to date, Dr. Peter Neligan’s six-volume masterwork, Plastic Surgery, 5th Edition, remains the gold standard text in this complex area of surgery. Completely revised to meet the demands of both the trainee and experienced su .. Celoten opis
1.807,73 €
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Številka: 38962921


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Trda vezava
  • Število strani: 4680

Originalni opis knjige
Comprehensive and fully up to date, Dr. Peter Neligan’s six-volume masterwork, Plastic Surgery, 5th Edition, remains the gold standard text in this complex area of surgery. Completely revised to meet the demands of both the trainee and experienced surgeon, it features new, full-color clinical photos, procedural videos, and lectures across all six volumes. Bonus material online includes additional text, images, and over 200 procedural videos that help you improve your mastery of the latest techniques.