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Neurosurgical Operative Atlas: Vascular Neurosurgery

Neurosurgical Operative Atlas: Vascular Neurosurgery

Številka: 18276373
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A state-of-the-art neurovascular surgery atlas from internationally renowned neurosurgeon R. Loch MacdonaldNeurosurgical Operative Atlas: Vascular Neurosurgery, Third Edition, by R. Loch Macdonald and expert contributors, reflects the latest advanc .. Celoten opis
271,96 €
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28.10.2024 predviden osebni prevzem
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Številka: 18276373


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Thieme Medical Publishers Inc
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Trda vezava
  • Število strani: 320

Originalni opis knjige
A state-of-the-art neurovascular surgery atlas from internationally renowned neurosurgeon R. Loch MacdonaldNeurosurgical Operative Atlas: Vascular Neurosurgery, Third Edition, by R. Loch Macdonald and expert contributors, reflects the latest advances in endoscopic, endovascular, microsurgical, and bypass techniques used in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease. The entire atlas has been streamlined and updated with new content, including 38 videos that complement the concise step-by-step guidance in the text.The book begins with five chapters on vascular and microsurgical instrumentation and equipment, clipping versus coiling, aneurysm surgery techniques, the pterional approach, and minimally invasive approaches. Disease and procedure-specific chapters are organized by three sections: aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage, vascular malformations, and ischemic and other cerebrovascular disease. Every chapter includes salient tips on patient selection and procedural indications, preoperative information and tests, patient positioning, operative nuances, and postoperative complications.Key HighlightsNearly 300 high-quality color illustrations detail impacted anatomy and proceduresThe latest techniques for treating a full spectrum of aneurysms, such as ophthalmic segment, supraclinoid internal carotid artery, middle and anterior cerebral artery, basilar and posterior cerebral artery, and othersTreatment of vascular abnormalities including arteriovenous malformations, superficial and brainstem cavernous malformations, arteriovenous fistulae, Moyamoya disease, and moreNeurosurgical residents will benefit from the firsthand knowledge shared by international masters, while veteran neurosurgeons will glean invaluable insights on cutting-edge endovascular techniques to enhance clinical practice.