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Nazi Rock Star

Nazi Rock Star

Številka: 18271007
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Ian Stuart, like so many young men dreamed of a career in rock'n'roll but when in 1977 he formed Skrewdriver, a punk group based in North West England, no-one could have predicted the roller-coaster ride that he was about to endure. .. Celoten opis
31,09 €
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Številka: 18271007


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Midgard Records AB
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Trda vezava
  • Število strani: 170

Originalni opis knjige
Ian Stuart, like so many young men dreamed of a career in rock'n'roll but when in 1977 he formed Skrewdriver, a punk group based in North West England, no-one could have predicted the roller-coaster ride that he was about to endure. With two singles and an album recorded Skrewdriver were heading for the dizzy heights of rock stardom, but when their concerts became battlegrounds and gained the band a reputation that saw them banned from London's venues, disowned by their record label and slaughtered in the music press most people would have put it down to experience and shuffled off into a day job. It is testament to the resilience of Ian Stuart that against staggering odds he refused to be defeated. Nazi Rock Star records this historical journey that started as a highly rated punk vocalist mixing with likes of The Sex Pistols, Bob Geldof, Iggy Pop, Sting and Suggs of Madness to National Front demonstrators, Ku Klux Klan leaders and Skinhead recruits for the Blood and Honour organisation that he founded in 1987. Record shops refused to sell his albums – yet they sold thousands. His concerts were starved of publicity – yet even his enemies would admit that he could easilly fill venues as big as the Royal Albert hall. This remarkable indepth story traces his early beginnings in Blackpool through to his death as a National Socialist and Skinhead legend. We've all heard stories about rebellious rock stars, but this is a truly unique account of a Rebel with a cause, and one who lived through the pain, pressure and pride that was his life.