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Mont Blanc Granite a rock climbing guide Vol 4 - Geant-Cirque Maudit-Vallée Blanche

Mont Blanc Granite a rock climbing guide Vol 4 - Geant-Cirque Maudit-Vallée Blanche

Številka: 18336916
Partnerska prodaja
Volume four of the MONT-BLANC GRANITE collection presents the best climbs in the pivotal Géant – Vallée Blanche Basin. Lying in the heart of the Mont Blanc range, it is home to the world famous spires of the Dent du Géant, Grand Capucin and Aiguille .. Celoten opis
43,62 €
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28.10.2024 predviden osebni prevzem
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Številka: 18336916


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: JMEditions
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 252

Originalni opis knjige
Volume four of the MONT-BLANC GRANITE collection presents the best climbs in the pivotal Géant – Vallée Blanche Basin. Lying in the heart of the Mont Blanc range, it is home to the world famous spires of the Dent du Géant, Grand Capucin and Aiguille du Midi, as well as the superb cliffs of the Cirque Maudit.Elegant lines, huge walls and mostly excellent rock are just some of the reasons why these «high-altitude crags» are becoming increasingly popular.135 promises of unforgettable days on rock.The basin is served by two strategically located huts – Torino Hut (I) and Cosmiques Hut (F), each with its own character but all perfect base camps from which to sample the area’s delights.