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Betty Crocker Cookbook, 12th Edition

Betty Crocker Cookbook, 12th Edition

Številka: 18285956
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Everything You Need to Know to Cook from Scratch. This is the book home cooks have come to trust the 12th edition of the Betty Crocker Cookbook, with updated recipes, new photography, plus expanded and new chapters to meet the needs of todays home co .. Celoten opis
19,46 €
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Številka: 18285956


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Trda vezava
  • Število strani: 688

Originalni opis knjige
Everything You Need to Know to Cook from Scratch. This is the book home cooks have come to trust the 12th edition of the Betty Crocker Cookbook, with updated recipes, new photography, plus expanded and new chapters to meet the needs of todays home cooks. With 1,500 recipes and variations, and more than 1,000 photos, this colourful new edition packs a punch. How-to step-by-step photos show rather than simply tell how to get great results. The new Technique features explain fully the concepts behind techniques such as braising, deglasing, and hot waterbath canning. A Make-Ahead feature shows how to make a batch of one item and use it