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Heartwood Hotel, Book 1: A True Home

Heartwood Hotel, Book 1: A True Home

Številka: 30900928
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When Mona the Mouse stumbles across the wondrous world of the Heartwood Hotel in the middle of a storm, she desperately hopes they'll let her stay. As it turns out, Mona is precisely the maid they need at the grandest hotel in Fernwood Forest, where .. Celoten opis
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Številka: 30900928


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Hyperion
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 176

Originalni opis knjige
When Mona the Mouse stumbles across the wondrous world of the Heartwood Hotel in the middle of a storm, she desperately hopes they'll let her stay. As it turns out, Mona is precisely the maid they need at the grandest hotel in Fernwood Forest, where animals come from far and wide for safety, luxury, and comfort. But the Heartwood Hotel is not all acorn souffl and soft moss-lined beds. Danger lurks, and as it approaches, Mona finds that this hotel is more than a warm place to spend the night. It might also be a home.This delightfully enticing start of a new chapter book series tells a tale of friendship, courage, and community, with exquisite black-and-white illustrations throughout.. Praise for the Magical Animal Adoption Agency series „[This] gentle tale of magic and self-reliance will entertain confident new independent readers. Clover's sweet story is a good next step for lovers of the Magic Tree House.“- Kirkus Reviews"Readers will be envious of the world of magic that Clover becomes ensconced in and eager to read future installments.„- Publishers Weekly“[A] charming story, delicately written, with a winning heroine. . . [and] a conclusion that will satisfy young readers.„- Booklist Online"Graduates of sparkly chapter-book series will be right at home and looking for the next installment posthaste.“ – Kirkus Reviews „[T]he gentle but intrepid Clover continues to charm.“ – Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books