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Blood of My Blood

Blood of My Blood

Številka: 18242698
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Jazz Dent has never been closer to catching his father.§§Jazz has been shot and left to die in New York. His girlfriend, Connie, is in the clutches of Jazz's monstrous father, Billy–the world's most notorious serial killer. And his best friend, Howi .. Celoten opis
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Številka: 18242698


Ta knjiga je v tujem jeziku: Angleščina

Lastnosti knjige
  • Jezik: Angleščina
  • Založnik: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
  • Vezava: Knjiga – Brošura
  • Število strani: 496

Originalni opis knjige
Jazz Dent has never been closer to catching his father.§§Jazz has been shot and left to die in New York. His girlfriend, Connie, is in the clutches of Jazz's monstrous father, Billy–the world's most notorious serial killer. And his best friend, Howie, is bleeding to death on the floor of Jazz's new home.§§Somehow, these three must rise above the horrors and find a way to come together in pursuit of Billy.§§But then Jazz crosses a line he's never crossed before, and soon the entire country is wondering: „Like father, like son? Who is the true monster?“§§From New York City to the small town of Lobo's Nod, the chase is on, and this time, Jazz is the hunted, not the hunter–while Billy Dent lurks in the shadows.§§And beyond Billy? Something much, much worse. Prepare to meet…the Crow King.§§From acclaimed author Barry Lyga comes the shocking conclusion to the bestselling I Hunt Killer trilogy.§