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The School of Life The Therapy Game (Terapevtska igra)

The School of Life The Therapy Game (Terapevtska igra)

Številka: 49374571
Partnerska prodaja
Naučite se govoriti. Naučite se poslušati. Ko se znajdemo v res dobrem pogovoru s prijateljem, jim včasih namenimo nekoliko nenavaden, a iskren kompliment – rečemo, da se pogovarjanje z njimi občuti kot pogovor z dobrim terapevtom. Celoten opis
32 €

Partnerska zaloga 3 artikli

27.2.2025 - 28.2.2025 predvidena dostava na dom

Artikli partnerja Pamina Store

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Številka: 49374571


When we end up in a really good conversation with a friend, we sometimes pay them a slightly unusual but sincere compliment: we say that chatting to them feels like talking to a good therapist.

What we tend to mean is that they’re giving us space to talk, they’re not interrupting us or pushing their own advice aggressively forward: they’re properly listening.

This game cannot turn us into real therapists (that would take years of training). But like many good games (ones about flying or being a detective for example), it gives us a chance to try out, entertainingly but safely, one of the most interesting sides of a great profession. The Therapy Game offers us a rare opportunity to listen and speak to one another at truly fulfilling length and depth.

The cards cover five categories:

  • Work
  • Sex
  • Relationships
  • Anxiety
  • Self

Questions cover topics such as:

  • Who do you need to impress?
  • What did you learn about relationships from your parents?
  • If you were a friend of yours, what would you tell yourself about the challenges you face?
  • Around what features of your character does your self-hatred focus?

Contains adult content.

100 cards with timer | 100 × 90 × 60mm | Instruction booklet included