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The School of Life The Family Game (Družinska igra)

The School of Life The Family Game (Družinska igra)

Številka: 49374572
Partnerska prodaja
Smej in poveži se z osebami, ki ti pomenijo največ. Ideja družine je tesno povezana s pomenom življenja, vendar se v praksi družine ne povežejo vedno, ne govorijo o pomembnih stvareh ali se ne smejijo tako pogosto, kot bi se morale. Preizkusite se v igri! Celoten opis
32 €

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27.2.2025 - 28.2.2025 predvidena dostava na dom

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Številka: 49374572


Laugh and reconnect with those who matter most.

The idea of family lies close to the meaning of life, but in practice, families do not always come together, or chat about what matters, or laugh as much or as often as they should.

The idea of family lies close to the meaning of life, but in practice, families do not always come together, or chat about what matters, or laugh as much or as often as they should. Everyone gets too busy, or it can feel hard to get into certain topics – and without anyone meaning to, occasions keep slipping by. The Family Game is the solution; this is a game expressly designed to help family gatherings live up to our highest hopes. It consists of a host of questions (chosen randomly with a dice) that kick-start the best sorts of conversations: ones in which we reconnect, say things we always meant to, laugh warmly together – and remember why family counts.

The cards cover five categories:

Gentle Teasing





Questions cover topics such as:

What would the movie of your family be called?

To whom have you been a bit too moody?

How would you like to evolve?

What was your favourite time of day when you were little?

If you could be forgiven for something, what would it be?

Resources for Parents and Teachers from The School of Life

00 playing cards with dice | 100 × 90 × 60mm | Instruction card included | Suitable for ages 12 +