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The School of Life Connect Game (Igra povezanosti)

The School of Life Connect Game (Igra povezanosti)

Številka: 49374570
Partnerska prodaja
Igra je namenjena krepitvi povezanosti in bližine v partnerskih odnosih. Pogosto se s partnerjem pogovarjamo, vendar velikokrat ne o tem, kar resnično šteje – o temah, ki razjasnijo situacije, ponovno vnesejo duh zabave, nas zbližajo in spomnijo, kaj je res posebnega v našem partnerskem odnosu. Celoten opis
32 €

Partnerska zaloga 3 artikli

27.2.2025 - 28.2.2025 predvidena dostava na dom

Artikli partnerja Pamina Store

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Številka: 49374570


A card game to foster connection and closeness

We tend to chat all the time with our partners, but often not about what really counts – the sort of topics that clear the air, that reintroduce a spirit of fun, that draw us together, that make us remember what is really special about being part of a couple.

This is a pack of cards to foster connection and closeness, which can (strangely but truly) be generated almost on command by the right sort of conversations. Here are 100 questions that help couples to rekindle affection. They lead naturally to chats about what we are ready to forgive, what we deeply appreciate, what remains exciting and what is especially worth cherishing. This is a deceptively simple game with life-changing consequences.

The cards cover five categories: Appreciation, Aspiration, Desire, Forgiveness and Growth.

Example cards include:

  • What I really admire about you is…
  • When appreciative friends discuss us, what do you think they might celebrate in us?
  • How would you like to come back together again at the end of every day?
  • If you never improved one bit, I’d still…
  • The trick to understanding why I can sometimes be difficult is to remember that…

Contains adult content

100 cards with dice | 100 × 100 × 60mm | Instruction booklet included