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The School of Life 100 Question (100 vprašanj)

The School of Life 100 Question (100 vprašanj)

Številka: 49583997
Partnerska prodaja
Predstavljamo vam set 100 miselno provokativnih vprašanj za družine, ki bodo načela pogovore, namenjene poglobitvi družinskih odnosov. Ne glede na to ali si želite izvedeti več drug o drugem, se izuriti v komunikacijskih veščinah ali se preprosto zabavati, bodo te kartice pravo orodje za vas. Celoten opis
32 €

Partnerska zaloga 5 artikli

27.2.2025 - 28.2.2025 predvidena dostava na dom

Artikli partnerja Pamina Store

Za prodajo odgovarja mimovrste=), vključno z morebitnimi reklamacijami ali vračili artiklov.
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Številka: 49583997



1. Announce to your friends that you have a curious new exercise to propose. Laugh a little at the expense of these cards to ease any awkwardness.

2. Pick a card from anywhere in the box and ask your companions to address the question on it with sincerity and thoughtfulness.

3. Take calculated risks at self-revelation. What tends to make us interesting is our deepest selves. When people say ‘surely you wouldn’t want to know that about me’, they’re often about to say something fascinating.

4. Don’t rush. You might only need five cards for an evening.

5. Repeat often.

Example question cards:

“In what ways have your parents influenced your choice of partners?”

“What are your deepest professional goals?”

“Would you prefer a view of a desert or of the sea – and why?”