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Za prave ugankarje!
👥 1–6 😊 8+ ⏱ 10 min
Ta igra vsakič traja samo 12 potez. Zmaga igralec, ki ima na koncu najmanj praznih polj. 🤯
Vrzi kocko in prekrižaj polja na svojem listku v skladu z vzorcem, ki ga dopušča kocka (vsako število ti določa dva možna vzorca).
Na začetku igre je naloga kar preprosta, toda z vsako potezo si zapiraš možnosti. Ti bo uspelo zapolniti vsa polja? 🎲
"Who ist the Puzzle Master?
Your goal is to draw 12 puzzle pieces on your puzzle area. Gaps are allowed but will cost you points at the end of the game. A die roll determines which puzzle piece the players must draw next.
Your choices are easy at first but become harder with each piece you draw. You’ll need a sharp eye and a cool head in order to draw all 12 pieces in this 5-minute portable puzzle game."