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HASBRO Star Wars Mandalorian Baby Yoda The Child Animatronic electronic figure

HASBRO Star Wars Mandalorian Baby Yoda The Child Animatronic electronic figure

Številka: 44629392
Partnerska prodaja
Galactic Snackin Grogu. Size: 23cm. With more than 40 combinations of sounds and movements. Interactive accessories: bowl with tentacles, biscuit, lever knob and spoon. When these accessories are Celoten opis
64 €
Najnižja cena v zadnjih 30 dneh pred znižanjem.
59 € Popust 7 %
Partner: Pricenet

Partnerska zaloga 5+ artikli

27.3.2025 - 1.4.2025 predvidena dostava na dom

Artikli partnerja Pricenet

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Številka: 44629392


Galactic Snackin Grogu. Size: 23cm. With more than 40 combinations of sounds and movements. Interactive accessories: bowl with tentacles, biscuit, lever knob and spoon. When these accessories are placed in his hand, sound effects and movements are activated. It has motorised movements: the head and ears move, and the eyes open and close. Age: +4 years. Requires 4 AA/LR6 1.5V alkaline batteries not included.